This is our first episode as part of the Lipp Media Podcast Network! These legends champion podcasts by women and the LGBT+ community. They have some epic pods in their network that we love.
What went down in ep. 8
Sarah and Jade are excited to be in the same room but also very bummed out about the state of the world. They make a special announcement that gets them back to being excited. Sarah talks about why setting things on fire makes you feel good, and how responsibly lit fires can help release the pain and upset of a broken heart.
Jade answers a listener question about how to handle being trash talked by your ex. Sarah suggests murdering them. They later agree this is not okay, then settle on some actual good advice you may or may not want to take. At the end they say quotes other people made up, because other people say it better than they do.
- Buy self-esteem – our mirror decals that tell you you’re Sexy As Fuck or Hotter Than Hell are cheaper than therapy.
- Burn Baby Burn – the final Chapter of our book, Fuck off and die.
- The Power of Fire Ceremonies – why lighting shit on fire feels good after a break up.
“Whatever you are looking for is looking for you too.”
– Saul Williams
“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”
– Maya Angelou